ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR NEW PC º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ I have been programming for twenty years on all sorts of computers, but the PC is my favorite. I've seen it all (almost), and done it all (almost) and I'd like to take this opportunity to help those of you who have just purchased your first PC. I am going to give you a few do's and don'ts - feel free to disagree, but at least I'll give you some interesting ideas to think about. First of all, if you have not yet purchased a PC, please follow the following RULES OF PC PURCHASE: 1. If you can, buy at least a 386 or 486. (Why? Because the older 8086 PC's are just TOO SLOW!) 2. Get the biggest hard disk you can afford. (Why? Because they fill up with good software much faster than you would expect.) 3. Get a color monitor, preferably VGA. (Why? Because I like color, of course, and have three monochrome monitors sitting unused in my closet!) 4. Make sure one of your floppies is 5 1/4 inch size (that's the standard size). Now that you have your PC up and running, here are the things to do: 1. FOCUS YOUR INTERESTS. Try to figure out why you got a PC and what you want to do with it. Are you interested in writing, music, art, programming or what. Come on, you must be interested in something! A PC can be used for virtually anything. It is even good for teaching your child to read (Reader Rabbit, Amy's Primer). Focus, focus, focus. 2. USE A SURGE SUPPRESSOR. Go ahead, I know you are almost broke after buying that 220 Megabyte hard disk, but GET A SURGE SUPPRESSOR BEFORE YOU TURN IT ON! The very first night I put together my first PC, there was a huge thunder and lightning storm. My house wiring took a direct hit while my $3500 investment was on for the very first time! A surge suppressor saved my bacon by turning off automatically. After 30 minutes it mysteriously went back on by itself, and my PC was undamaged. 3. TRY DESKTOP PUBLISHING & A WORD PROCESSOR. Remember using a typewriter? One tiny mistake and you had to retype the whole page! Now, with any simple word processor, you can correct your errors before you print the first copy. And if you write a lot of letters, it's great to have an automatic file of all the letters you wrote on your hard disk, complete with addresses. Desktop publishing is also a terrific advance, and with inexpensive products like Publish It! or First Publisher, it is also easy to get started. Perhaps you have an idea for your own newsletter? 4.TRY LOTUS 123 OR ANOTHER SIMILAR SPREADSHEET. The PC became so incredibly popular because of Lotus (and Word Processing). Though I personally am bored to tears by spreadsheets, fifty million users can't be wrong, so give it a try. 5.TRY THE BASIC INTERPRETER YOU GOT WITH YOUR MACHINE. Basic, or the GWBASIC you probably got free with your clone, is an easy and surprisingly powerful language (GW stands for Gee Whiz!). Even if you plan to buy most of your software, you will understand your PC much better if you write a few simple BASIC programs of your own. If you find you like BASIC, you may eventually want to move up to QuickBasic or Turbo Basic, which run about $69.95 and allow you to compile your Basic Programs to true EXE files, just like the professional programs you buy. 6.LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT DOS. The Disk Operating System you got with your machine is also a powerful language, and you should run, not walk, to your nearest bookstore and buy the slimmest book you can find about DOS. 7.GET A HARD DISK & LEARN TO ORGANIZE IT. If you already have a PC without a Hard Disk, you have already experienced the incredible frustration of computing from only one or two floppies. Get a Hard Disk, 40 Megabyte minimum. It shouldn't cost much more than $300. Right now, there is a mail-order bargain on the Seagate 65 Meg RLL Drive. You will need an RLL Controller, but the disk is only $260 and built like a tank. (See Computer Shopper). 8. GET THE NORTON UTILITIES. This bag of tricks and techniques will more than pay for itself with Quick Unerase, which will allow you to easily recover those files you deleted by mistake. 9. BACKUP IRREPLACEABLE FILES TO FLOPPY DISKS. If you are writing the great American Novel, copy your work once a week to a floppy and stash it in a safe place. It only takes a second, and imagine how you would feel if the only copy on your hard disk somehow became unreadable. I leave the question of full hard disk backups completely up to you. If you have a lot of important files on your hard disk it may be advisable, even if it takes 60 or more floppies. Fastback Plus or DSBackup can ease the task. I don't personally backup, but I have three machines (one 486, one 386 and one old 8086) and each has copies of my most important files. They are all surge protected, and the chance of three simultaneuos hard disk disasters is only 1 in 47,000,000. (Approximately). 10. BUY A DOZEN SHAREWARE PROGRAMS FOR $1.99 EACH, AND REGISTER AT LEAST ONE. Shareware is an interesting and inexpensive way to experience a broad range of software. It is a unique marketing concept - try before you buy. You will help keep it alive, and more good shareware coming, if you register the shareware you like and continue to use. You will absolutely need a simple ASCII Editor to use your PC properly. Without a simple editor, even changing your AUTOEXEC.BAT file is a real chore. QEDIT is nice. Put PROMPT $P $G in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file RIGHT NOW if it isn't already there. It identifies directory names when you change directories. 11. TRY SOME ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS TO PEEK INTO THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING. You have probably heard about Expert Systems, that follow rules-of-thumb to give advice like a human expert, but through Shareware you can also try one yourself. Other areas are Natural Language Programs, that respond to your english language sentences, and Neural Networks that mimic the thought process of the human brain. Many can be experienced at low cost through shareware, or though the miracle of Modems and Bulletin Boards. Or you could select one of the three very special packages we'll introduce you to at the end of this Tutorial. Each package is usually $99.95, but is offered here for only $59.95. 12. AFTER YOU ARE FAIRLY COMFORTABLE WITH DOS, TRY WINDOWS. Windows is a GUI or Graphical User Interface. It requires the use of a Mouse, because you operate Windows by pointing and clicking with the Mouse. It also requires a serious 386 or 486 computer with VGA and plenty of hard disk space. Windows alone wants about 5 Meg of your hard drive geography. Although most of what you want to do on a computer does not require Windows, you should eventually try it, because it represents the future of PC Computing. THINGS YOU SHOULD TRY TO AVOID DON'T: Move your PC without very good reason. It can destroy the programs on your hard disk. Get any weird programs that mess with your hard disk if you havn't had a problem! Make millions of directories within directories. Keep your hard disk almost full. Worry about OS/2 - it is a dead issue for home users. Leave your machine on all the time. Worry if you can't learn to program in C, Lisp or Prolog. Write COBOL on a PC. Worry much about Viruses. They are dying down now. Load your machine so full of TSR's at start-up that it gets confused. Open your computer unless you absolutely have to. Upgrade to a 486 if you have a fast 386. Upgrade at all - buy another machine. Two is nice. Try to to turn your PC into a MAC - buy a MAC. Don't overload your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Don't type FORMAT C: unless you really mean it! Don't feel you MUST stay in Windows all the time! A QUICK INTRO TO DOS FOR BEGINNERS ONLY DOS stands for Disk Operating System. It started ten years ago at Version 1.0 and then matured with 3.1 and 3.3. It is currently up to DOS 5.0 and counting. It gives your machine the primitive intelligence required to run programs (Applications), and organize a hard drive. DOS 4.1 is current as of the beginning of 1991, but a Beta-test Version of DOS 5.0 is already available to industry insiders. It is recommended. DOS is a brilliant engineering accomplishment by Microsoft. Over the years, hundreds of very bright programmers have contributed to it. DOS is built around the concept of a Hard Drive divided into file folders called Directories. C:\ is the root. C:\DOS > is a direcory OFF the ROOT. (You could think of branches off a tree, and yes, there are often directories within directories.) Try to avoid copying files to your root. Instead, make a new Directory (file folder) with a meaningful name (MONEY, TEMP, WORK, NEW, LOTUS, WORD, etc) and change to that Directory. Then copy your files into that Directory. The exact commands are given below, and you will keep your Hard Drive neat and tidy. Most used Commands: (you press the ENTER KEY after you type any one of these commands. Practice on a formatted floppy, not your hard drive.) DIR produces a directory list of files and programs on the disk, example DIR A:, or just DIR DIR/P pauses when the screen is full for long Directories DIR/W (Directory Wide) puts the Directory list in several columns across the screen COPY copies a file or program to a new name, new directory or new disk, example COPY *.* C: (If you have a new disk in A: and want to copy ALL the programs on the disk to C: you would type this at the A:> prompt.) CD changes from one directory to another. CD\ changes back to the root CD\MYDIR, then to change back: CD\ MD makes a new directory example MD MYDIR TYPE displays the contents of an ASCII file on the screen TYPE ORDER.FRM PRINT prints a file on the printer PRINT ORDER.FRM or COPY ORDER.FRM LPT1 Note: there really is an ORDER.FRM on this disk, so you can try this command later on the MoneyMaker Disk! Pressing the Shift/Print Screen Keys causes the current screen to be printed DEL deletes a file....be careful DEL BADPGM.EXE RD removes an empty directory RD MYDIR Using different disk drives: to switch to another drive, type the letter of the drive followed by a colon File Extensions: File names are made up of three parts: a name, a period, and an extension, example LOTUS.EXE name: up to eight characters extension: up to three characters Some extensions are reserved names: EXE, COM, BAT an EXE or COM file is a program ready to run just by typing the first part of the name (and pressing ENTER) a BAT file consists of DOS Language statements, and most BAT files are used to start COM or EXE programs The AUTOEXEC.BAT File runs automatically whenever you boot or start your PC. if you get hopelessly confused, just BOOT! (turn your computer OFF and back ON, or press CTRL-ALT-DEL simultaneously). LIST.COM, included on this disk, should be installed in the Root Directory of your PC. It is better than the type command. To use it, just type LIST followed by the text file name you want to read. When you EXIT the Main Menu from AITUTOR, try typing LIST CATALOG.TXT to read a selection from our AI Catalog. Serious DOS mistakes: typing FORMAT C: (erases your whole C: Drive) not backing up critical files to floppy disks typing DEL *.* in your ROOT (deletes all root files) pouring coffee in your keyboard. (keyboards prefer Pepsie). *** Dear PC User, Thinking Software is over 6 years old....we've been providing quality A.I. Software since September 1986. We keep our prices low by running inexpensive ads and sending out our disks in sturdy but simple mailers. Most of our disks are still $29.95, and you can save money by ordering three for $59.95, or six for $99.95. All the software in our catalog has been carefully tested and documented and is guaranteed to run on your machine. This place is a hotbed of creative software development, and here's some exciting news about our new products: 1. LIFEPLAN - We've modified our popular Personal Information Manager to use "text files" instead of database records. What does this mean to you? Complete freedom in the way you enter your Goals, Projects, Plans and Things-to-Do. $29.95. 2. MONEYMAKER - This is great for new PC Users. A dozen realistic ways to make extra money with your PC while you keep your present job. Plus tips on buying a Laser Printer, and a compact introduction to the most useful DOS Commands.$29.95. 3. PC THERAPIST - Our best seller has a new face! A cute little talking head to be exact! And now he talks thru your PC Speaker! (One user wrote: Max Headroom lives Again!).$59.95. 4. TURBO EXPERT - Build your first Expert System in one day, gain a real hands-on working knowledge of Artificial Intelligence Technology.$59.95. 5. BEST OF WINDOWS - Is Windows more fun then sex? Lets just say its the most fun I've had while sitting at a PC. If you are a Windows User, check out our new Best of Windows package - a dozen carefully selected programs for just $29.95. 6. AUTOWRITER - We now have an additional 800,000 byte text source file for AutoWriter, but you have to ask for it when you order. ($29.95) You'll need a 1.4 Meg Disk Drive, as we only supply this new text file on a 1.4 Meg Disk. The file is full of contemporary quotes and sayings to spice up your writing. 7. THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY - Our latest creation, a mind bending visual voyage into the future of psychology. EGA or VGA and hard drive required. If you are interested in Reich or Velikovsky you want this disk $29.95 8. EASY NEURAL NETWORKS - A complete introduction to Neural Networks, with an actual running Neural Network you can train and test. $59.95 GIVEAWAY REGISTRATION DEAL <========================> Here's a giveaway registration deal that no rational person could refuse. Register this copy of AI-TUTOR for just ten dollars ($10.00!) and you get: The 32-page Artificial Intelligence Software Catalog which opens you to a whole new world of PC Software. The famous "THINK" Talking Expert System Demo Disk! Contains concise online tutorial on the future of software, plus a demo of a talking Expert System plus sample screens from all our best-selling products our software is explained in detail, with examples of popular programs in each category. PLUS your choice of ONE OF THE ABOVE 8 BEST-SELLERS (usually $29.95 or more)! Choose from: LifePlan, MoneyMaker, MoneyMaker2, Turbo Expert, PC Therapist, Best of Windows, AutoWriter, The New Psychology, or EASY Neural Networks! If this sounds too good to be true, remember we have an ulterior motive. We are sure that once you see our AI Catalog and AI-TUTOR Disk, you'll find a lot of software you can't resist! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a printer, press SHIFT/PRINTSCREEN to print this Order Form: ** AI-TUTOR REGISTRATION ** Dear Thinking Software, Please RUSH the items checked below via AIRMAIL: ____ Special REGISTRATION DEAL ($10).A.I. Catalog & THINK Disk ____ MY FREE REGISTRATION BONUS DISK:________________________________ ____ Overseas Airmail Postage $5.00 ____ Overseas Dealer Registration Info Pack $10.00 ____ One more disk at $29.95 (I can't resist)____________________________ THINKING SOFTWARE, INC. 46-16 65TH Place Woodside, New York 11377 ( ) Check here for 3.5 inch Microfloppies Please type or print your Name & Address: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------